Friday, December 4, 2009

How do I make my pink eye look not so pink?

I woke up with pink eye this morning, (I get it every once in a while) and I'm going to take the drops they give you, but will a cold compress (or hot?) make it feel better, look better? I'm going to be going around alot today and I want my eye to look as normal as possible. Any advice is good :] Thanks!How do I make my pink eye look not so pink?
well if you mean you get red eyes every once in a while, it could be from 2 things:

1) dusty pillow cover or sheets

2) lack of sleep

you dont need to do anything but cleaning your eyes with the eye wash products that you get it from your doc. also put eye drops which are for refreshing your eyes.How do I make my pink eye look not so pink?
the things you said above will really help but my mom used to show me this trick. it's not proffesional or proven that it works,

but put a cloth over your eye and have someone blow on it a little. sorry, that's all i have.
Get a cloth/towel (small) and fold it until it's a rectangle. Rinse it under cold water and then put it over your eye. Wait for about 15 mins. It works for me :)
Stop putting feces in it, or letting friends fart in your face

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